Advanced mathematics in plain English
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About this site
Mathematics is often difficult and confusing. But it shouldn't be. The fact is, higher mathematics is not just a heap of stuff to memorize (though it's often treated that way), but rather just a new and different way of thinking. The whole point of mathematics is to model aspects of the world on paper. The purpose of an equation is to help simulate a real-life thing or process. Mathematics is just virtual reality on paper! Its purpose is not to create confusion but to help people visualise things that could otherwise never be properly understood. You probably love virtual reality computer games. Why should you hate maths?I am setting up this site to attempt offer an intuitive alternative to all the traditional, sometimes dry and incomprehensible, information sources for learning maths. The most difficult topic can become easy if approached from the right angle.
As you read through the pages on this site, don't concentrate on trying to memorise the various content. Just try to understand, visualize and experience; first hand, the way it all fits together and makes sense.
This site is, and will always be, a work in progress; so don't be
surprised to find that many of the pages have yet to be written.

This work by http://plainenglish.info is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
You may copy this work, however you must always attribute this work if you do so.

This work by http://plainenglish.info is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
You may copy this work, however you must always attribute this work if you do so.