The Pauli Matrices
The Pauli Matrices are a set of 2×2 matrices which are indispensible in quantum mechanics. They are as follows:σ1 | = | ( |
| ) | ||||
σ2 | = | ( |
| ) | ||||
σ3 | = | ( |
| ) |
They may also be expressed as components of the vector σ as follows:
σ = (σ1, σ2, σ3)
You might also see them referred to as σx, σy and σz. These are exactly the same as σ1, σ2 and σ3, it's simply a different convention for labelling the different components of the vector σ.
Algebraic Properties
Warning: This section is not written in Plain English!The Pauli matrices are hermitian and unitary.
They have the following commutation and anti-commutation relations:
[σi, σj] | = | 2iεijk |
{σi, σj} | = | 2δij |
σi σj = iεijk + δij
Q | Wait! I don't quite see where you got this equation from! |
A | I
took the commutation [ , ] relation, the anti-commutation
relation { , }, added them together then divided by 2. Why? Because in general for two symbols A and B; commutation means [A, B] = AB - BA, and the anti-commutaion means: {A, B} = AB + BA. So [A, B] + {A, B} = AB - BA + AB + BA = 2AB Dividing this by 2 gives AB. |

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This work by http://plainenglish.info is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
You may copy this work, however you must always attribute this work if you do so.